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Independence Day Celebrations – Hijacking Celebrations by Christian Preachers in Andhra & Telangana - ବିଶ୍ୱ ସମ୍ବାଦ କେନ୍ଦ୍ର ଓଡିଶା

Independence Day Celebrations – Hijacking Celebrations by Christian Preachers in Andhra & Telangana

These developments, if not stopped and nipped in the bud stage, will lead to serious communal strife in the days to come. Already the activities of Christian preachers have resulted in permanent and irreversible damage to the communal harmony in both the states.

August 15 is a significant day. It marks the day India gained independence from European colonial forces and underwent a partition based on religious lines. However, churches held their own services on the same day with a malicious intention of preventing citizens from celebrating Independence Day.

India eventually achieved independence from British and European rule after a long struggle led by lakhs of brave Indians who paid the ultimate price with their lives and families. However, on August 15, a public holiday, numerous churches, particularly in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, host all-day prayer sessions, camps, youth retreats, etc.

The Christian establishment is determined to use this public festival for their own personal gain. The national flag is disrespected on the posters for the events by being distorted, having biblical verses written on it, and other things.

Along with regular, extremely hate filled speeches are being given in these special church programmes as well as during normal worship services and other broadcasts. Freedom fighters are referred to as “hell-bound disbelievers” by these pastors because they reject Jesus Christ as their savior and redeemer. Thus, there is a deliberate effort to erase from the consciousness of those attending church programs the freedom struggle, the cruel British reign over India, and the sacrifices of our freedom warriors. Young children who are still developing their minds are being indoctrinated with such hate-filled ideas and cultivated to prioritize Jesus Christ above all else, including the freedom fighters and nation.

The churches’ decision to avoid Independence Day celebrations is also motivated by a fear of backlash. Many British and other European imperialist forces were Christians, and their atrocities in India are well-documented. The churches worry that if their followers become aware of this history, they may develop negative feelings towards Europeans and Christianity.

In addition, pastors and other Christian leaders in these communities often promote the idea that prosperity is linked to Christianity. They point to the material wealth of Europeans as evidence of this, and they suggest that converting to Christianity can lead to a better life. This message is appealing to many impoverished villagers, who are looking for a way to improve their circumstances.

The churches’ actions on Independence Day are a reflection of their anxiety about their own history and their place in India, as well as their fear of backlash from their followers. They are concerned about how their followers will react to the truth about Christianity’s role in colonialism and exploitation.

In the past, on several occasions, the Christian preachers of Andhra Pradesh have said the following things on public platforms.

– National flag is just a piece of cloth, why are you saluting it?

– Divide the country into two and give us a Christian India.

– The Constitution was plagiarized by Dr. Ambedkar from other constitutions across the world.

Along with the problem mentioned above of holding all-day church services on Independence Day, another dangerous development is the large-scale exploitation of the Manipur conflict by Christian pastors from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana for the purpose of inciting communal hatred. The Manipur situation has been portrayed as Christian persecution by Hindus.

The entire atmosphere has been vitiated by the activities of Christians preachers. They are leading the citizens of the country towards hatred of fellow citizens.  Patriotism and loyalty towards the country have been made subservient to belief in Jesus and the Bible. Freedom fighters are routinely ridiculed. Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. B R Ambedkar and such other stalwarts are declared as ‘hell bound disbelievers’.

These developments, if not stopped and nipped in the bud stage, will lead to serious communal strife in the days to come. Already the activities of Christian preachers have resulted in permanent and irreversible damage to the communal harmony in both the states.

(By Sahadev K, the author is senior associate at Centre for South Indian Studies (CSIS))


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